I felt Alan sit beside me. One arm went round my waist while with the other he proffered a hankie. I dabbed my eyes and pulled myself together.

"I-I'm sorry-that was so stupid-I don't know what came over me."

"I'll make you a hot drink and then you'll feel better."

While he was away I managed to pull myself together. And I thought:

"This must be the time. He hasn't the faintest idea and I've been here for nearly an hour. I—I wonder what he'll say."

Alan came back and the hot tea really did revive me. The moment arrived almost at once.

"It makes it so tricky to think what to do when Keith isn't here himself. You've no idea at all where he went?"

"Well yes I have in fact he came here with me!"

"What? Here? But you said-you mean he's here--outside the door?"

He half rose to his feet.

"No, no I mean he's here-in this room."

"But-" he turned and looked at me questioningly. Even then he didn't catch on.

"How do you mean-here in this room?"

"Well-" I took a deep breath"-he's been sitting here talking to you for nearly an hour. Alan-I'm Keith."

It was marvellous. He just stared at me, completely confused.

"I don't under—what did you say?"

"I'm Keith."